Coronavirus (COVID-19) Lawsuits At MCLF

Most of our cases involve medical negligence.  We know that hospitals are doing their best to write new policies, try new protocols and manage the pandemic.  As they develop responses, mistakes will be made.  Some mistakes will hurt people.  Some mistakes will look obvious in retrospect.  This problem is unprecedented until we find a solution.  While our firm specializes in medical mistakes, we decided how we will handle cases involving negligent conduct handling coronavirus.  We are NOT SUING DOCTORS OR HOSPITALS for their negligent conduct in handling victims of coronavirus.  We all are in this together.  We hope other law firms follow our example and make a MORATORIUM ON CORONAVIRUS NEGLIGENCE LAWSUITS.

Here are some links that we found useful.  BE SAFE!!

corona virus mask

Texas Department of State Health Services

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

White House COVID-19 Plan

Complimentary Case Review

Certifications and Achievements