Medical Malpractice
Just like adults, children are severely injured or killed every day by the negligence of medical professionals. We have extensive experience representing children and their families in medical malpractice cases all over the nation.
Health care professionals often fail to properly monitor a mother and her baby during labor. And during delivery, physicians and nurses can fail to recognize that the baby is in distress. These failures can lead to catastrophic injuries or even death for a newborn. If your child has been injured or has passed away as a result of medical malpractice, contact us today so we can walk you through this highly-complex area of the law. 713-864-4000
Medical Malpractice for Children

Birth injuries are extremely devastating because of the fragile state of the baby and its susceptibility to severe neurological damage. Birth injuries arise in a host of situations. For example, over-medication of the mother to stimulate labor can starve the baby of oxygen and cause cerebral palsy. Failure to monitor the baby’s heart rate can result in missing the fact that it is in distress and needs to be delivered immediately. And failure to prevent labor in extremely premature babies can result in numerous neurological problems and even death.
A lack of oxygen for the baby (due to a pinched umbilical cord, maternal infection, etc.) accounts for roughly 60% of all medical malpractice childbirth cases. Depriving a baby of oxygen quickly leads to brain injury and death. Over 20% of childbirth malpractice cases arise because the baby was too large to be delivered via the birth canal, yet the medical providers attempted to do so anyway. However, medical malpractice arises in numerous other situations during childbirth, and can result in all kinds of injuries.
If your child has been injured or has passed away as a result of medical malpractice, contact us today so that we can begin reviewing the records and give you a free evaluation. We have significant experience with medical malpractice during childbirth. Call us today at 713-864-4000.