Category / Birth Injury / Medical Malpractice

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  • preventing shoulder dystocia during birth

    Preventing Shoulder Dystocia During Delivery

    When shoulder dystocia occurs during delivery, a quick and skilled medical response is imperative. This guide cuts through the complexity to provide you with vital information on recognizing, responding to, and resolving…

  • Infant Seizures

    Seizures in infants can be serious and even life-threatening. In order to provide your child with the best possible care and future outcomes, it is important to understand seizures: what they are,…

  • Newborn in fathers hands

    Umbilical Cord Compression

    During pregnancy and throughout labor and delivery, the umbilical cord provides the baby with life-giving blood, oxygen and vital nutrients. If the umbilical cord is compromised in any way, the baby’s health…

  • medical O2 tank

    Perinatal Hypoxia

    Oxygen is crucial for the maintenance of life, and never is this truer than right before, during and after the birth of a baby. When an infant’s bodily tissues are deprived of…

  • Medication in hand

    Medication Birth Defects

    When many soon-to-be parents think about birth defects and how to avoid them, ideas about tobacco, alcohol or drug use during pregnancy or injuries and complications that occur during delivery are the…

  • Newborn baby

    Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)

    When a mother is diagnosed with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), this means that the fetus fails to meet typical development benchmarks before birth. Technically speaking, these infants weigh less than the 10th…

  • IV

    Drug Related Birth Injuries

    As soon as most women learn that they are pregnant, they immediately begin to carefully watch every medication they put into their body. This is because they understand that many pharmacological products…

  • Anoxia and Hypoxia at Birth

    Bringing a baby into the world is an extremely intense and complex process for both mother and child. Although most births go smoothly, there are many instances when complications arise that can…

  • Infants Hand in Black and White

    Infant Brain Ischemia

    Oxygen is an essential building block for sustained life. Even a short-term loss of it can cause permanent damage to an infant’s vital functions. Infant brain ischemia occurs when an artery bleeds…

  • baby feet

    Group B Strep Infection

    Group B Strep Infection Approximately one in every 2000 babies born in the United States each year contract Strep B infection (SBI). Unlike many other medical conditions that a mother can experience…